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How to use the SortBy feature for sorting

The SortBy feature can make the exported comments match the order displayed on Facebook.



The sorting feature only works for version 2.4.0 and above.

You can choose to download using the same sorting rules as those on the Facebook post.


If you are unable to switch the SortBy value, please check this for fixing.


Their order is exactly the same. img_2.png

How to solve the issue of being unable to switch the sortBy value

Due to restrictions imposed by Facebook on the interface, the SortBy value can only be switched within the pop-up that appears after clicking "View more comments".

For Example: Unable to switch SortBy from the download image to the left of the post comment count.


You need to click "View all comments" or the comment button first. img_4.png

Then click the download button to the left of the comment order switch, where the sortBy value can be changed. img_5.png