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What is the Daily Request Limit


The primary goal of the Daily Request Limit feature is to safeguard your account from potential flags or restrictions by Facebook. By setting a controlled number of friend requests per day, your account mimics human-like behavior, minimizing the likelihood of triggering Facebook's automated systems designed to detect and prevent spammy or automated actions.


While the tool provides flexibility, adhering to our recommendations can significantly reduce the risk of account limitations:

  1. New Accounts: For relatively new Facebook accounts, we advise staying closer to the lower end of the suggested range (100 requests per day) to gradually build your networking activity.
  2. Established Accounts: Older accounts with a history of consistent engagement may adjust their limit upwards, beyond the recommended range, cautiously.
  3. Monitoring: Regularly monitor your account's activity and any messages from Facebook regarding your activity. Adjust your Daily Request Limit accordingly to ensure compliance with Facebook's policies.

Best Practices

To optimize the effectiveness of the Daily Request Limit feature and maintain account health, consider the following best practices:

  1. Spread Requests Evenly: Avoid sending the maximum number of requests in a short period. Distribute your activity throughout the day.
  2. Engage: Engage with new connections through likes, comments, and messages to establish a genuine presence.
  3. Review and Adjust: Periodically review the performance and adjust your Daily Request Limit based on the outcomes and any feedback from Facebook.